I really liked this episode, the idea of putting things together that grow together does make sense. It’s a little like companion planting I think – basil and tomatoes together to protect the tomatoes – and surprise tomatoes and basil are fantastic together.
Nigel talking about feta cheese and lemon just makes me so hungry lol The Extraordinary Way with Lettuce recipe was interesting, containing spring onions (my fav onion), broad beans, little gem lettuce – yes lettuce! The sound of warm lettuce sounds a bit wrong to me but I don’t know why that is. Why shouldn’t we have warm cooked lettuce? Anyway, it looks fantastic so I am going to try it.
Ha! He talks about getting carried away with seed catalogs *whistles* not me, nuh-uh lol I really like his seed box, an old church collection box. I have a metal box from IKEA which has no personality whatsoever.
Nigel visits an allotment in North London, belonging to Benita from Zimbabwe, and she was growing a lot of more unusual vegetables. He cooks potato and beetroot fritters using what she was growing in the allotment and some of her homemade pickle. Good stuff!
Recipes are available on the BBC: