Le monde selon Monsanto (The World According to Monsanto) (2008) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1189345
This is a french documentary film about the evil empire that is Monsanto
After watching Food, Inc which did feature a section on Monsanto GMO soya beans, I was looking for more info and came across this film. I knew Monsanto was a global company and I knew that they also made Agent Orange and DDT, but I never really made the connection between that and the people who make Roundup weedkiller, for they are one and the same! Possibly because I don’t use the product or because I don’t pay enough attention to these things.
Some interesting quotes from the film:
Narratress: After 10 years on the market, Roundup Ready Soybeans account for 90% of all the soybeans grown in the US. In fact, 70% of the food in American stores contains bioengineered elements. – Unlike in Europe, consumers cannot make an informed decision, because GM-labeling is forbidden, a direct consequence of the ‘principle of substantial equivalence’.
David Carpenter, Ph.D.: We all have PCBs in our bodies, the polar bears and the penguins have PCBs, and what has happened is that in the past there were a few sites where PCBs where released, but over time they have gone into the air, they’ve gone into the water, they’ve transported so that the whole world is now contaminated with PCBs. The issue is that *many* diseases are caused by PCB exposure; the one everyone knows about is cancer.
Narratress: Between 1995 and 2005 Monsanto acquired over 50 seed companies throughout the world… Everywhere people worry about Monsanto’s monopoly, which in the long term threatens to wipe out all non-transgenic varieties.
Narratress: In Paraguay 70% of the farmland is owned by only 2% of the population. With GMOs the concentration is increasing. Three quarters of the soybean-producers are foreigners…
[in Anniston, Alabama] Narratress: [reading from – then confidential, now public – Monsanto files] In 1966, Monsanto scientists placed fish in Snow Creek’s water. – All were dead in 3 1/2 minutes.[David Baker is president of Community Against Pollution] David Baker: They never told anybody. But they told the state; the state didn’t tell us. [Cook is president of the Environmental Working Group] Ken Cook: Under American law it’s very rare for executives or officials in these companies to be held criminally responsible. So we have the civil courts, we make them pay. And the truth of the matter is: in most instances the price these companies pay – decades later – is a *fraction* of their profits. – And this is why it pays to keep these problems secret; and it makes you wonder what they might be keeping secret now.
I found it online if anyone wants to watch it, it’s in English http://stagevu.com/video/edznosqyfzra