I really want a beehive!

Anyone who knows me might think that’s a bit odd (especially after the wasps in the pjs episode) but I really want one and actually have done for a while  It’s just been my fear of flying buzzing stinging things and having no clue how to go about it that have really prevented me from doing anything about it so far.  There is another problem now and that’s concerning vegans  and honey.

I’m trying to remember what I read now about vegans and bees and it’s something about you taking the food that the bees need so even if you did have the most perfect hive in the world it would still be a problem plus it’s still an animal “product”. I don’t want to exploit the bees but it would be nice if I gave them a nice garden to live in and they could pollinate my plants for me.  Then we could live in harmony.

I kinda feel that if I had my own hive for the purpose of helping the bee population survive (we lost a third of our honeybees last year) then the bees wouldn’t grudge me a tiny bit of honey for me, especially if I was feeding them via my soon to be fantastic bee paradise of a garden (I hope) but that’s not the vegan point of view.  No animal products at all, and that includes honey.  As far as I’m concerned, the jury’s till out on honey, but I could still keep bees regardless of what happens to the honey.

In any case, whether I ate the honey or not, I still feel like I should have a hive in my large garden, just to help preserve the bee population.  I have investigated further and it is recommended you do a proper course so you know what you’re doing and then if you do have a successful hive, then at some point the queen will up sticks and take half the colony with her, while those that are left behind, crown a new queen and continue on.  So then the swarm that left has to find a new home and that might be a problem.