When you have something available all the time it becomes less special and you have nothing to look forward to.  Like asparagus season for example, now there is asparagus in the supermarket all year round and most of it isn’t even very good.  The asparagus in the supermarket last night was from Mexico!

Food miles is something that only now is getting more exposure in the press and probably not something that most people think about, know about or even care about, since the bottom line is always the price of the food, and if it’s cheaper to import from Israel, or Egypt, or Kenya than it is to grow it locally then that’s what the supermarkets will do.

There was a ridiculous example I read once where I think the lettuce was grown here but then flown to the US to be packed in special bags and then sent back to the UK :crazy:

It’s a big problem when we all want everything available all the time and it costs a lot environmentally flying all this food all over the world back and forth, but I’m not sure that will really change because it’s customer demand that fuels it in the first place.