
Episode 6: Winter Warmers
As the nights draw in, food writer Nigel Slater makes the kind of food that can really brighten up dark rainy evenings. Nigel creates a week’s worth of delicious meals that are simple to make. Nigel raids his cupboards, fridge and veg patch to make comfort food that hits the spot and makes staying in a real treat. In this series there is no need to write down complicated recipes, as Nigel’s unflustered style makes these feasts easy to remember. The series is part of the BBC Dig-in campaign.
OMG figs and marsala, yum yum, stuffed butternut pumpkin, veggie curry, and that lovely pestle and mortar again, be still my heart.  *wonder if Nigel would be interested in a kitchen swap*
He visits an allotment in East London (does he ever leave London?), where Lyn and Nell have tiny cucumbers in the shed!  And elderflower champagne, that would be so nice!
Nice little feature on spices, another thing that I think is underused in this country.  Don’t be afraid of the spice!  lol
Lovely variation on vegetable curry, love aubergine (eggplant), and stuffed butternut squash *drools*
That was really great, I thoroughly enjoyed this series and of course it was way too short.  Luckily I recorded it though for multiple viewings 🙂  Let’s hope we see a second season of Simple Suppers next year, good food, simple to prepare, quality ingredients and home-grown.  Thanks Nigel, that was brilliant.
Recipes as usual are available on the BBC: