If you have seen previous photos of my garden, there are some very large leylandii cypress trees down one side which have phone lines growing through them lol  (getting the phone lines moved is an ongoing problem with the phone company but that’s another story)  Anyway, phone lines and height and thickness of the trees have made it quite difficult for me to get them trimmed, but last week a friend of my neighbour came over complete with chainsaw and gave them a haircut and then last night he came over (in the dark!) and took it all away and gave it to the boy scouts who were having a bonfire for Guy Fawkes night.

I could see they were *ahem* quite tall but what he cut off them is about 5-6 feet and look like little xmas trees, and the trees are still at least 10-12 feet high.

I kept some of the bigger ones to use as xmas trees and my neighbour and I are going to put them on the patio and put lights on them.

I took some photos of when my garden resembled a xmas tree sale and I’ll post them up when I can find my phone