Um, it’s started snowing, and all the kids have been sent home from school since some of the teachers can’t get into the village as it appears to be cut off. (It’s times like this that strange things pop into my head like ‘and now the village will be taken over by ravenous zombies since we are now cut off from the rest of civilisation’ but I’m reasonably sure that won’t really happen)
I hope it stops soon, pretty though it is, as I need to plant stuff before xmas – all the things I bought in the “autumn planting” catalogue, but I’m thinking that maybe they weren’t expecting snow 🙁 I know this isn’t autumn but some of the plants have only just arrived and the others I could get planted because of the previous heavy rain, and others say to get them in the ground this week, especially the garlic which likes a bit of cold to start it off.