I have emailed the company about the bamboo as they have a guarantee plus they might be able to tell me if there is any hope.
The apple trees I got two weeks ago have absolutely no sign of growth on them and that could be due to the cold etc so I wouldn’t be worried except that the cherry tree I bought a week later in the supermarket, is now in flower!!!
Anyway, been taking advantage of the warmer weather this week, hence my absence here. Got the asparagus and artichokes and raspberries planted. Sister and BIL took me to a garden centre yesterday to spend the vouchers they gave me for birthday.
Was talking to one of my neighbours yesterday who didn’t know what an artichoke was lol I’m not laughing at him but it is funny how you just assume that everyone knows what you are talking about and knows the same stuff that you do, when obviously we all have different life experiences.