Roots and Leafy Greens. Episode 3.

Alys Fowler attempts to avoid shop-bought fruit and vegetables and live off her own, home-grown produce. In the challenge of turning a small urban backyard into a beautiful and edible garden, root crops and leafy greens are the mainstays. Planted amidst the majestic kales are the red stems of earthy Swiss chard, and the deep purple foliage of beetroot, all delivering delicious dishes from mid summer right through the winter.

What I liked – the swiss chard looked great.  It’s something I’ve never tried so I think I will plant some around the garden and see what happens.  I found some seeds called Bright Lights which is a mixture of different coloured chard.  The freak hail was well freaky but we had similar freak storms here too, really bizarre.  Successional sowing really comes in useful in situations like this.  I’m worried about my potatoes and how late they are going to be.  Interesting that she was earthing up with grass clippings and not soil or compost!!! The chickens are gorgeous. Ha! the competitive onion growers on the allotment lol.

George saves the day again with the rhubarb.  I really need a George as my rhubarb is not looking very good at all. 🙁  Rhubarb pie is one of my favourite things to eat.  I really wish I had dug up some of my rhubarb from the old house now.

I think the birds might be laughing at her bird scarer though lol