Flowers and Herbs. Episode 5.

Alys Fowler attempts to avoid shop-bought fruit and vegetables and live off her own, home-grown produce. In Alys’s pretty but productive backyard, she grows flowers and herbs for many reasons; to flavour her food, to decorate her home and to attract wildlife essential for the health and productivity of her garden. From herb omelettes, to bread made with rosemary and salads of edible blooms, flowers and herbs are the garden garnishes that bring both the garden and kitchen to life.

What I liked – I liked that it was all about edible flowers and herbs!  It doesn’t matter where I’ve lived or how much garden or gardening I’ve done, I’ve always had herbs in the garden.  It’s the first thing I plant when I go to a new place.  Rosemary is one of my favourites and unfortunately I lost my rosemary during the snow we had last winter so I have to start over again.  Must remember to save sunflower seeds, poppy seeds and rosemary to add to my bread.

I liked the segment on bees!  I still really want a beehive.  I like how she said that each hive produces a unique flavour of honey since the bees visit different flowers and no two are the same.   Wow I really need some ladybird and hoverfly larvae, those guys can really munch aphids!  No way can I squish caterpillars though *shudder* but feeding them to chickens would be OK.

June is the perfect time to make elderflower champagne!!!!! I want to make some, but first I need to find some elders.  Not sure if they grow around here *scratches head*

Lavender biscuits and elderflower champagne sounds good right around now.