In the first sprouting experiment post I posted some photos of the results of what the sprouter produced. I then planted those seedlings up and I can now report that so far I have:
Butternut squash – 1
Sugar squash – 3
Gerkins – 5
Crystal Lemon cucumbers – 5
Courgette tondo di nizza – 3
Patty pan squash – 3
Bush zucchini – 2
Zucchini F1 – 0
Vegetable spaghetti – 0
Not so happy about the zeros but it was an experiment and overall I’m really happy about it. Last night I took a tally of everything that’s growing in the garden and greenhouse, and the sprouting results are much better than some of the results I achieved in the greenhouse. eg
zucchini tondo di nizza, vegetable spaghetti, zucchini F1, sugar squash planted 30 th April – ALL ZERO
Crystal lemon cucumbers planted 26th May – ALL ZERO
So I plan to do it again. I took stock of what I have planted that’s actually growing, what’s just not happening, and what I seem to have over and underplanted (lots of borlotti beans hardly any peas!) and I’m going to try sprouting some different vegetable seeds and see what happens.
At the same time, I also found some really old seed packets, unused, unopened but still hoarded! so I’m going to see if I can get any of these to sprout. If not, no harm done, but if they work then bonus! I found a couple of packets of cut and come again lettuce that were use by 2007 – I was pretty sure I didn’t know about cut and come again lettuce then but obviously I did – I just didn’t plant it.