Happy 4th July to all my American friends, up the revolution and all that.  I am of course disappointed that this does interrupt the regularly scheduled programming and I don’t get to see a couple of my favourite shows, but life goes on…

Weather is still shitty.  I am still depressed about my broken plant.

I checked the other plants today and found 3 fat green caterpillars on my broccoli, a handful of aphids on my sunflowers, a snail in my herbs and a big fat slug under my pak choi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn them all.  I sprayed them with my homemade garlic/onion spray but I have the sneaking suspicion I’m just seasoning the veg and making it tastier for the critters 🙁

In between showers and gale force winds (almost) I planted:

a bunch of herbs from pots into the garden – pineapple and apple mint, pineapple sage, more chives, more reg mint, peppermint, lots of parsley, some coriander – basically a buffet for the critters

*trying desperately hard to remember what else I did*

oh tidied the shed so I can actually stand in it instead of having to just throw things in and shut the door fast.  Tied up a bunch of things that looked like they needed help after yesterday – the dill in the garden, the tomatoes in the greenhouse.  Discovered some sunflowers that have started growing in the hole that will be the pond one day.  Have no idea how they got there but presume bird feeding is to blame.  Ditto random sunflower seeds that have now appeared in the pots that I filled with the soil from the pond hole last week hmmmmmm….

A pinky purple flower has appeared on the mangetout that I grew from seed.  This mangetout is not the one that has been giving peas already.  I don’t know why that one is giving up the peas since it’s tiny but hey.