At least I know now that there is definitely something growing under all those leaves. I was feeling a bit worried after I stuck my hand into a couple of the potato planters and couldn’t find any potatoes. Yesterday, I was moving a marigold that was getting a bit cramped by the rapidly growing potato leaves and when I dug it up I accidentally unearthed a potato. I quickly buried it again but it was comforting to know that they are there. These were the ones that were left over when I filled up the planter bags so they are probably a couple of weeks behind those, and there was a tiny little potato just below the surface, so I reckon the ones I planted earlier should be much bigger.
I didn’t really do much else in the garden, the weather has been wet and windy so it’s keeping me indoors. I planted some more seeds in trays and re-potted some seedlings. Today I picked some fat caterpillars off my broccoli!!! Damned things have great camouflage. The mangetout are flowering and the flowers are so pretty, mauves and purples. The peas have flowers and also pods but are still devoid of actual peas.
Today, I went to Homebase with the BIL, and got some fence posts so I can put the trellis up securely. I also moved the water butt from next to the greenhouse to next to one of the downpipes on the house. I wanted to this originally but then I thought it would be handy to have the water butt close to the greenhouse and put guttering on it and the shed, but I still haven’t managed to do that, plus it’s money I don’t need to spend when I can just attach it to the downpipe and job done. I could probably have had it filled by now if I had put it there in the first place!
We also did the usual food shopping in the usual place and I finally got hold of some Ayrshires at a mere £2.69/kg !!! I filled a bag without really thinking and was stunned that it cost over £6 just for a bag of potatoes. Especially irritating when I have a garden full of potato plants grrrr. But they were tasty 🙂