Bottles of elderberry liqueur – I’m hoping it will ward off colds and flu
jars of elderberry jelly – look how dark it is lol
I used apples and lemons to get the pectin up a bit. I don’t use the special preserving/jam sugar. Elderberries are very good for dyeing fabric and apparently the Romans used it to dye their hair! That might be worth a go!
The liqueur I made from it is “supposed” to help as a cold remedy. I confess I’ve been drinking it a little these last few days only to ward off colds you understand lol
I’m going to make a cordial too – a syrup – not alcohol like the liqueur version. Need to rustle up a few more bottles first. I also have a recipe for cough drops to make from elderberry and eucalyptus, and I do plan to make these before xmas too