Last night (and tonight) I’ve been making mochi but it turned out nothing like this lol
It’s made from rice. Like a rice paste. They cook the rice and then beat the hell out of it with giant bats so that it ends up like a sticky dough/paste. Then once it’s in that format you can do all kinds of things with it like ^^ the above. Normally it can be steamed or fried, you can put fillings in it and make dumplings, and sometimes just eat it chewy like in the video. I’ve been making some this week (normally I buy it but it’s very expensive) but my beating with big sticks efforts are not going too well. I have managed to make waffles out of it so far though (photos coming). I’m ordering some of the flour instead of the rice as I might have better luck with that. Glutinous Rice Flour., bit of a specialty item in these parts, so I have to get it online. However, if it works, it will be so much cheaper than buying the mochi blocks.
beat the rice into a pulp
put it in a waffle maker and voilà
add tasty toppings