I woke up this morning thinking about the crazy stuff I ordered for my Christmas hamper yesterday and felt really guilty and a bit ashamed of myself.  Here I am trying to be more healthy, and heading towards a higher percentage of raw food in my diet and what do I order from Goodness Direct?  Two boxes of truffles and three packets of shortbread!  I think in my defence I was just a little excited that I could have these yummy treats since they are vegan and I was not at all thinking, well I was just not thinking any further than that lol.  So wracked with guilt I rang the company and was able to remove these items from my order and replace them with non-food items.  I felt much better after doing that.  They would have kept for a while in the cupboard so it’s not like they had a short shelflife and I would HAVE to eat them but let’s face it, if they’re in the house, then I will HAVE to eat them, so it’s really better just not to have them at all.

I’m still totally obsessed with russet apples and comice pears.  The apples are not a big surprise since they are my favourites but I am not a great lover of pears, however I can not stop eating these.  The russet apples in the shops right now are not as big as the ones they had (for a short time) in WFM but they are still good.  The comice pears are huge fat juicy things and they are just so delicious.

In other news, I have a slight toothache. I get this from time to time in the same place but I keep hoping it will just go away and not be a huge problem requiring a drill.  I feel like I have post menstrual tension (is there such a thing?) and the PC is really effing slow and I have no patience at all for it tonight and I’m a bit frustrated  re goodness direct order and stressing whether they have managed to change the order or not, and also the mouse toy that I bought today has already lost its squeak as the tab has already been removed and this was supposed to be a Christmas present, and now I have to take it back and I can’t really be bothered and I have to go in the opposite direction tomorrow to pick up something else so everything is basically effing me off.  I ended up turning the PC off at the switch so I will pay for that tomorrow but it was making me crazy so now instead of watching The Good Wife, I’m going to bed in a huff.