My neighbour is away on vay cay and I offered to water the garden for her since I would be doing mine anyway and no big deal. Also checking on the devil cat to see she is ok and has food.
Monday – rained all day so no watering
Tuesday – garden still recovering from all the rain on Monday, no watering required – not even in the greenhouse!
Wednesday – watered both gardens etc. Devil cat hissing at me, hasn’t touched her food and has left a dead mouse under the lawn furniture – some kind of protest methinks. I gave her some little pouch of chicken since I felt a bit sorry for her but then the ungrateful moggie hissed at me anyway.
Thursday – no watering, everything looking good
Friday – watered in the morning. Wasn’t in the garden today due to other things, but went out for a little while in the evening before the wind got up and it started to rain. Just as I was thinking it was time to go in the house before it poured down, I heard a crash from next door and peeked through the fence to see what it could be (not really expecting any problems) Damn! The wind had blown over the portable greenhouse and everything was on the ground!!! Ran in, picked up greenhouse, and was picking up pots when a big gust of wind blew the greenhouse over again! Decided it was probably best to move it so it didn’t happen during the night. The good news is that just about everything that was in the greenhouse is OK, but there was a tray of peas that on the surface was showing nothing at all but after they crashed to the ground I could see all the shoots that were just ready to emerge 🙁 I put them back in the tray but they are all messed up now 🙁
Casualty of vay cay RIP
And yes, I still have potato envy, though it’s escalated to garden envy now. It got worse when I saw the giant flower on the giant pumpkin and then all the zucchinis!!!
I didn’t have enough time to relocate the boundary between the gardens while my neighbour was away so her garden is still her own