Here’s some pics of what I made recently…
These are crisps made from artichokes from the garden.  They are very tasty, they have a lot more flavour than potato crisps and although I’ve made crisps from other veg before this is the first time I’ve tried them with artichokes and for a first attempt I was very happy.  I think next time I will slice them lengthways and have long thin crisps rather than small round crisps.

Artichoke Crisps (like potato crisps/chips but made with the artichokes from the garden)

And now on to the baking!
Macaroons, they look like macaroons, but do they taste like macroons?  No, actually I don’t think they do.  They were ok but not good enough to make me want to make more just now.  I think I will move on to something more tasty.

Like these little beauties!
Fruity Oaty Bars – OK I liked these a lot, sesame seeds get stuck in your teeth but apart from that they’re really good and I feel healthy eating them!

Pecan Slice

I did *not* feel healthy eating these at all lol but they are VERY nice indeed.

Coriander Flat Bread – make this quite often especially if I’m making hummus.  Coriander seeds in the bread make it very tasty.