Tomorrow is World Vegan Day and the start of Vegan MoFo (vegan month of food). I thought long and hard about what to do for this mofo and in the end I decided to go on a juice fast for 30 days.
I started this morning so technically it will end on 29th November but if I feel good I might extend it a bit longer. This is not my first juice fast but I haven’t felt motivated enough lately to go on one, so let’s just say it’s been a while (the last detox I did was back in Jan/Feb this year). The four weeks previous to this I have eaten a very strict whole foods vegan diet instead of my usual vegan diet that includes lots of bread and cakes :p so I feel in a good place to start the juice fast.
I have propped up the white board ready to cross off each day and I will be writing down everything I drink/eat during that time and weighing myself every week. I will also be trying to exercise as much as possible during this time and watching and reading as much motivational material as I can get my hands on. One of my favourite inspirational videos about juicing and health is Fat Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross. I’ve watched it several times now and I watched it again last night just to put me in the right frame of mind.
Keep on juicing!