I’m going to blame the weather, hurricane bawbag, my depression over my wrecked garden and leaking house, but I had a Christmas dinner today.
And that means that any pretence of juicing in December is gone.
Mum wanted to buy a food processor. She has a bee in her bonnet about one of these though I’m not entirely sure she will use everything. She says she sees people on cooking shows using them all the time and it’s a huge time saver. It will also be easier on her hands (arthritis). So I met her in town and we picked it up. She was unaware that it also came with a blender and like 27 other attachments all in a huge box so it was a feat trying to get it through the crowds to the car park. Now she had three blenders – she maintains that one is a smoothie maker and that’s not a blender but we all know that they are basically the same thing with a different name right? Clever marketing people. Anyway after that I went to the supermarket and they had brussel sprouts still on the stalk and I could not resist. I bought some Linda McCartney vegan sausages, and had those, the sprouts, some cauliflower and vegan cheese sauce, cranberry sauce, sweet potato and gravy. And it was delicious. And it did make me feel a bit better, but then that was short lived and the guilt kicked in. But it was delicious.