Something happened to my ankle yesterday when I got out of bed and I’ve had pain and tingling from second toe all the way up my right leg ever since. Worried about it due to all the probs I’ve had with this leg/foot and it feels like either the nerve or a ligament. It’s worse when the leg is bent which makes me think ligament due to history.
Today I drank some of yesterday’s leftover juice. It’s not as nice the next day let’s face it but it’s doable. Still have a ton of food leftover from the potluck and I don’t really feel like eating it plus I’m supposed to be back on the juicing though it’s not going too well. I think really that I should have just stayed on it at day 31 and not had a break, then I wouldn’t be having these problems now.
Basically I stayed in bed for most of today either in it or on it, watching other people lose weight on the awesome show that is I Used to be Fat, and I finally caught up with The Biggest Loser after a marathon session so I’m up to date on that too. I just wasn’t feeling it before. I watched the first episode when it aired and I just couldn’t get into it, plus Anna Kournakova. Really?