Today was Day 6 so it was my first kenpo session.  First of all I was ecstatic that it was only an hour long and not 1.5 hours like every other workout this week, so that put me in a happy mood.  It is hard to get everything moving in the right direction with this one, I can move the arms, do the punches etc, but when I add the feet it all goes south lol.  Then I finally get in the rhythm and they switch to something else!  However, I didn’t find this one so hard and I actually quite enjoyed it overall… I just wish I was better at it.  I’m left handed and I seem to be very left handed so doing the right handed stuff was all out of whack.  I don’t know who I was punching but there were some wild and crazy punches going on haha.   I know it’s going to get easier as I get fitter so I’m not being too hard on myself but just telling it like it is, I’m still too fat, too heavy, have no coordination or balance and not strong enough +))  there can’t get more honest than that eh? lol  However,  I’m sticking with it and I know it’ll get better.

Afterwards, had a quick shower, and recovery smoothie.  This morning it was banana, cacao and dates and it was very yummy.

Tomorrow is the stretching dvd, I had a quick look and it looks like more yoga though I don’t know if it’s all yoga or not.
Tomorrow is also weigh-in day.  I don’t know how I’m going to do this week since I’ve been doing all these weights and might have increased my muscle mass.
Tomorrow is also the end of the World’s Biggest Juice Detox challenge that I joined in with (even though I’m already on a longer juice detox)  I should have lost weight but I doubt it because of the workouts.

So far I’m managing to fix these workouts into my day but at the expense of something else.  My Uni courses start up again soon so I will have to practice some really awesome time management skills to juggle it all – or get up really early in the morning while it’s still dark (which I hate doing)