So back in September I posted about this and how I’d finally discovered what was wrong with my nail and possibly how to fix it.
By 23rd November it looked like this, a little different, more growth. You can see the new growth coming in from the cuticle and the dents moving up towards the end of the nail.
Well it’s been four months and here’s how it looks today:
I would say that about half the nail is now “normal” and overall the nail is thicker and stronger. It does look a lot different from the September photo. It’s amazing how simple this was to fix and to think I’ve had this problem for years! The biggest thing was realising the cause, once I realised what was causing it ie me picking at the cuticle in an on-going basis, then superglue or not, it was easy to stop as I was now more aware of it and what was happening. I’ve not put any superglue on it for a month or so and I don’t think I need it. The superglue however, did allow the cuticle to grow back normally (which I’ve never had in recent memory) and now that that’s happening, it shouldn’t be too much longer until the entire nail is dent free!